Chillax Om Anti Aging Acupuncture and Natural Skin Care

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  • Acupuncture
29029 Upper Bear Creek Rd.
Suite 301
Evergreen, CO 80439
(310) 461-7494
Fri. 3p-6p, Sat. 10a-6p, Sun. 1p-5p.
  • About

    Be beautiful from the inside out naturally with Chillax Om Anti-Aging Acupuncture, Natural Skin Care & Lifestyle Design. Dr. Andrea helps you destress, recharge, stop aging & pain to be your best.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Dr. Andrea Renee Rivera
      DACM, LAc., Owner, President
      29029 Upper Bear Creek Rd.
      Suite 301
      Evergreen, CO 80439
      Phone: (310) 461-7494
      Cell Phone: (310) 461-7494
  • Directions

    At Lakepoint Center across from Evergreen Lake, Entrance is next door to Willow Creek Restaurant to the right. Take elevator to 3rd floor, Suite 301. Parking is Free.