Ignite The Mind CHEMISTRY Tutoring (College 102)
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Date and Time
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST
Saturday mornings from 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
In Person: 11485 Old Hwy 285 Frontage Road Conifer, CO 80433
Virtually: Via Google Meet
$40/session or $35/session for semester package
Contact Information
Michelle Blue at 720-466-0152
Send Email

Chemistry can be challenging because of its abstract thinking requirements and the math required to solve problems. These tutoring classes for college-level 101, 102 IB, AP and high school students will cover as-we-go topics depending on where the students are in their coursework, answer questions from your classes, help you with writing quality answers to questions as well as doing the math involved. We will provide homework help to get that done early in the weekend so that you can have fun the rest of it. This class can be done in person or virtually, depending on your needs and location.
Atomic models
Periodic table trends
Gas laws
Solubility, Solutions, Mixtures
Electron configurations
Light / Mass Spectrum
Ionic vs Covalent vs Metallic Bonds
Bond energy
Polarity / geometry / VSEPR
Hess’s Law / Enthalpy
Le Chatelier’s Principle / Equilibrium
Acids, Bases, pH Calculations
Redox / Batteries / Electrode Potentials