Evergreen Sustainability Alliance Recycling Day
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Evergreen Sustainability Alliance Recycling Day
June 22, 2024
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM MDT
GreenSheen old paint collection
Event Description:
Spring Clean Recycling Event
Keep your Hard to Recycle Items out of the Landfill!
Join us for our Spring Clean Recycle Day Saturday, June 22nd
from 10am-2pm at the Evergreen Lutheran Church at 5980 County Hwy 73, Evergreen.
We are collecting:
- all types of electronics (anything that has batteries or plugs in)
- small appliances that no longer work
- block styrofoam (no peanuts or food containers)
- paint (with or without paint)
- glass (no mirrors
- car batteries
- Old pens/markers
- Toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes
Books (no magazines)
Shoes (any quality)
Glasses/sunglasses and hearing aids
Vinyl records
Imagine how great it will feel to get that stuff out of your house AND you can feel even better about not adding to the landfill!
Recommended donation for a collection of recyclables is $20. If you have a carload of stuff, we’d appreciate a larger donation to cover our costs. If you have just a couple items, a smaller donation is fine.
TVs are an additional $25 fee each and will be collected at time of dropoff.