Downtown Evergreen Sips & Chocolate
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Downtown Evergreen Sips & Chocolate
February 10, 2024

Event Description:
Make your way to Downtown Evergreen on Saturday, Feb. 10th from 5-8pm for a delectable chocolate tour while strolling downtown. Participating businesses downtown will be open late on this special evening and showering you with a variety of chocolate goodies and some yummy sips. This is a great way to start your Valentine's date night or spend a Galentine's night out with your friends. Plus, it's a wonderful time to fit in some last minute Valentine's shopping in our boutiques and galleries.
Participating businesses:
Cactus Jacks
Crystal Garden
EAPL - Thrift Store
Evergreen Clothing & Merchantile
Evergreen Crafters
Go Paint!
Highland Haven
Marmalade Jewelry
Owl Cat Shoppe
Shadow Mountain Gallery
Silver Arrow
Sisters & Co.
Stoneheart Gallery
The Evergreen Gallery
Wildflower Realty
Wild Rabbit Boutique
Participating businesses:
Cactus Jacks
Crystal Garden
EAPL - Thrift Store
Evergreen Clothing & Merchantile
Evergreen Crafters
Go Paint!
Highland Haven
Marmalade Jewelry
Owl Cat Shoppe
Shadow Mountain Gallery
Silver Arrow
Sisters & Co.
Stoneheart Gallery
The Evergreen Gallery
Wildflower Realty
Wild Rabbit Boutique