Destress, stop pain, improve sleep & energy every Sunday 1p-2p by donation with group acupuncture & Self-Care training at Chillax Om Anti Aging Acupuncture & Natural Skin Care Clinic on Evergreen Lake

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Name: Destress, stop pain, improve sleep & energy every Sunday 1p-2p by donation with group acupuncture & Self-Care training at Chillax Om Anti Aging Acupuncture & Natural Skin Care Clinic on Evergreen Lake
Date: July 6, 2025
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Group Acupuncture in Anti Gravity Recliner Chairs
Event Description:
Enjoy free by donation group acupuncture with meditation, breathwork and chigong every Sunday 1p-2p at Chillax Om Anti Aging Acupuncture Clinic across from Evergreen Lake located at 29029 Upper Bear Creek Rd., Ste 301, Evergreen, CO 80439. Visit to learn more & book your healing. This event is provided by our 501c3 charity Chillax Om Foundation Inc. and all donations are tax deductible. Please note here is limited space for 12 participants so please call or text 310-461-7494 or visit to book your healing.
Event Media:
Chillax Om Anti Aging Acupuncture and Natural Skin Care Clinic located at 29029 Upper Bear Creek Rd., Ste 301, Evergreen, CO 80439 across from Evergreen Lake. Free parking at Lakepoint Center.
Date/Time Information:
Every Saturday 1p-2p starting Sunday Feb. 9, 2025.
Contact Information:
Dr. Andrea Renee Rivera, DACM, LAc.
This is free by donation event provided to our Evergreen Community by our 501c3 charity Chillax Om Foundation, Inc.
Suggested donation is $30-$50, all are welcome with or without a donation. Please note there is limited space for 12 participants so please call or text 310-461-7494 or visit to book your healing.
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