Copper's Gone to the Dogs

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Name: Copper's Gone to the Dogs
Date: June 28, 2014
Event Description:
The Copper Mountain Resort Association and League for Animals and People of the Summit (LAPS) welcome all dogs and their humans to the inaugural Copper?s Gone to the Dogs 5K/10K event at Copper Mountain Resort on June 28th, 2014. This event invites individual dogs, families of dogs, competitive dogs, leisurely dogs, and their humans to participate in the fundraiser that will lead them throughout Copper's villages and the mountain. There will be a 5K and a 10K course available for registration. The race will conclude in the Copper's Center Village, where participants are invited to stay and enjoy the?Dog Gone Vendor Village? featuring live music, refreshments and treats for two and four-legged competitors. Registration runs through June 28th, 2014. Individuals and teams can register online. One hundred percent of the event proceeds benefit the LAPS.
Copper Mountain Resort
Date/Time Information:
June 28, 2014
Contact Information:
$30 Registration Fee
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