CAE Art Bar Van Gogh Sunflowers
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CAE Art Bar Van Gogh Sunflowers
August 13, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MDT

Event Description:
Van Gogh Sunflowers
Come learn about the life and art of artist Vincent van Gogh. You will create your own sunflower painting using oil pastels and watercolor on 11×14″ watercolor paper. Jessica Mahan will lead you through a step-by-step painting demonstration on layering color and oil resist painting techniques.
Come in for a girl’s night, date night, team building, or just to find your creativity through art! New projects every month are led by a talented artist instructor. No experience is necessary, and we provide all art supplies and beverages. Just show up, be creative, and have fun!
What’s included:
- Step-by-step project instruction by a professional guide
- 2 glasses of wine or beer
- 10% off items in the gift shop on the night of your class
- $50/person
- 6-8 pm in either the CAE classroom or gallery
- Wear apron or clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
- We provide set-up, clean-up, alcohol service, and instruction.
**To book a private Art Bar, please contact Emiko Martinez: or 303-674-0056