4th of July Freedom Run 5K
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Celebrate with us at our 40th annual Freedom Run 5K benefiting Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice in Evergreen.
Whether you walk, run, stroll, or cheer from the sidelines, the Freedom Run is a great way to kick off your Fourth of July. Plus the event doesn’t end at the finish line—after the race, participants and their families and friends are invited to enjoy refreshments, music, games and fun at Nick’s Pro Fitness.
The scenic 5-kilometer (3.1 miles) course follows gently rolling terrain through residential areas, beginning at Evergreen Middle School at 8:00 a.m.
Funds raised by the Freedom Run will help Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice care for under insured or uninsured patients as well as support numerous services provided by Mount Evans, including grief counseling, respite care for family caregivers, and Camp Comfort, a bereavement camp for children.